![]() This wiki is a public directory of the world's best foresight resources, compiled for your benefit. It lists communities, degree programs, courses, people, employers, organizations, and educational materials that help advance our global foresight culture. It can be edited by any future-oriented person who wants to help. Email us if you'd like to apply for editing access. It is maintained by FERNshadowrocket官网 免费下载students, alums and advocates of improving foresight and supporting the graduate and certificate programs in foresight around the world. We also run a social network, Global Foresight @ LinkedIn, 4,000+ members, join us! If you are a foresight advocate, consider joining any of the foresight communities listed here, and enjoy the pages below! Main Wiki Pages 1. Foresight Communities (social networks, events, and conferences for foresight students, faculty, alums, and advocates) 2. Foresight Frameworks (common definitions and models of the skills, methods, and specialties of foresight) 3. Foresight Certificate Programs (non-degree certificate programs in foresight; great intros to foresight tools and thinking.) shadowrocket苹果下载收费 Foresight Graduate Programs (top primary, 2ndary, and partial graduate foresight educational programs) 5. Foresight Undergrad and Earlier Programs shadowrocket账号购买 - 好看123:2021-6-1 · shadowrocket账号购买,shadowrocket免费节点二维码,付费shadowsock账号,ssr加速器官网,shadowrocket账号分享,shadowrocket已购账号,quantumult共享账号2021,shadowrocket已购苹果id共享,shadowrocket官网,shadowrocket使用方法) 6. Foresight Courses and Syllabi (grad, undergrad, and earlier foresight courses and syllabi, by title, name, institution, instructor) 7. Foresight Curricula (freely sharable and reusable content from various foresight courses, put here by foresight educators) 8. shadowrocket安卓下载 (professionals, academics, researchers, educators engaged in foresight work. 9. Foresight Organizations (top general, science, tech, business, govt, policy, philanthropy, social, health, & other foresight orgs) 10. Foresight Careers Iphone或Ipad上Shadowsocks设置方法 | 搜百谷:2021-11-7 · 其它APP使用方法是类似的,Shadowrocket-小火箭的使用图文教程点此查看。 wingy下载 Wingy是一个IOS的Shadowsocks客户端,并且完全免费,您可伃直接在苹果App Store直接搜索进行安装。目前有 2 个版本主要是针对不用的 iOS 版本,请根据 APP 兼容性contact info for foresight employers)11. Foresight PhD Research (ongoing and completed doctoral dissertations on primary foresight topics around the world) 12. Foresight Media求适配iPhoneX的shadowrocket安装方法 - 『悬赏问答区 ...:2021-7-29 · 求适配iPhoneX的shadowrocket 安装方法 [复制链接] 74angel 74angel 发表于 2021-7-28 17:13 25吾爱币 国区下架,只能PP助手安装,但是不是适配iPhoneX的版本,美国区是收费的,而且搞不 … 13. Foresight Resources (databases, models, games, trends, scenarios, weak signals, quotes, stats, problems, and solutions) Projects ![]() Most of the Guide is now online. When it is complete (2022) we'll make an ebook and physical book at Amazon. We hope you enjoy it and please let us know what you think. Events ![]() Shadowsocks下载地址汇总-sandshell-51CTO博客:2021年12月3日 - MAC客户端下载地址:https://github.com/shadowsocks/ShadowsocksX-NG/releases ...在iOS上有非常多的客户端可伃使用,在这里主要推荐下面两个:Shadowro..., and we hope to see you at our next event! Social Networks 1. For general foresight discussions, join our Global Foresight Facebook group 2. For business and professional foresight discussions, join our Global Foresight LinkedIn group. 3. If you are a Shadowsocks各版本官方下载地址伃及使用教程 - Macro's Blog:2021年9月3日 - 5. iOS/苹果客户端直接在App Store里搜索shadowsock关键字(或者wingy关键字,First...用的是Wingy & Shadowrocket~如果找不到,你也可伃通过PP助手去下..., interested in working with FERN on our foresight projects, please join our FERN LinkedIn group. Editors Needed! If you would like editing privileges on this wiki, please email the wiki moderators, susanchesleyfant{at}gmail{dot}com or johnsmart{at}accelerating{dot}org, with a brief paragraph on your background, and ask for editing access. We are always looking for more foresight students, professionals, grads, and advocates to keep this wiki current and help the global foresight community.
Thanks for visiting the Global Foresight wiki. We look forward to meeting you in the future! |